It is no secret that undergoing underpinning can be a stressful process.

However, there are some things that you can do to make the experience as stress-free as possible.

Here are some tips:


Hire an experienced and reputable company: This is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a stress-free experience. Do your research and hire a company with a good track record.

To check a good track record, check online reviews on clients’ testimonials on their website. Check previously completed projects too.

At JR Southern Underpinning, we have excellent Google reviews and client testimonials.

If you’d like to experience a stress-free structural restoration project, contact us today.


Have realistic expectations: It is important to remember that an underpinning project will not be an overnight fix. Remember that it is essential for experts to assess the condition of the structure and identify any areas that may need to be repaired or replaced.


One of the best ways to reduce stress during an underpinning project is to stay organised. Once the scope of work has been determined, it is necessary to procure the necessary materials and equipment. This means having a plan and sticking to it. Make sure to keep track of all the tasks that need to be completed and who is responsible for each one.

At JR Southern Underpinning, you will only deal with John, who’ll facilitate everything for your underpinning project on your behalf.


Communicate with your contractor or underpinning specialists effectively about the scope of work. The actual restoration work must be carried out, taking care to follow all safety guidelines, and it’s critical that you understand this.

Remember that good communication is key to any successful project, especially structural restoration. Ensure to keep your contractor updated on your expectations and any changes that need to be made.


It is important to remember that an underpinning project can take some time to complete. Be patient and understand that getting the job done right may take a few days (or even longer).

If you want your home to be 100% in good shape and top condition, try not to rush your foundation repair project. Remember, substantial buildings take time to get built. They are not built overnight. It takes planning, hard work, and dedication to build something that will stand the test of time.

We hope these tips can help ensure your underpinning project in Adelaide is as stress-free as possible. With some planning, patience and the help of experts at JR Southern Underpinning, you can have your home building restructured. Contact John today for a free foundation inspection valued at $299.